<h1 id="finn-api">Finn API</h1>

As advisor, I can provide Finn as digital assistant to my customers for a fast and easy financing process.

advisor mortgageLoan


GitHub release



Feedback and questions about the model are welcome as a GitHub Issue.


As an advisor using a CRM tool, you can extend your processes by inviting your customers to Finn in your first contact e-mails.


Please use Authentication to get access to the APIs.

Create invitation

Creates an invitation for specified case. Returned link (href) can be used in emails of advisor to invite customer to Finn.

Requirements: Existing case in BaufiSmart containing at least one applicant with email address, first and last name.

Example request:

POST /accounts/v1/cases/{caseId}/invitations
Host: finn.api.europace.de
Content-Type: application/json 
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}

    "userEmail": "some-user@mail.de"

Example response:

201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
     "href": "https://meinfinn.de/h6shkjks67dbbjakia0ag",
     "userEmail": "some-user@mail.de",
     "advisorId": "Ab123",
     "caseId": "AB123456",
     "caseOrigin": "baufismart",
     "expiresAt": 1700833943,
     "createdAt": "2023-11-28T10:50:28.532Z",
     "updatedAt": "2023-11-28T10:50:28.532Z"

Terms of use

The APIs are provided under the following Terms of Use.


If you have any questions or problems, you can contact support@meinfinn.de.