
As an advisor, I can use Vorgaenge API to read all the data from my cases and get furthermore links to applications, loans, documents and events.

advisor mortgageLoan

Authentication GitHub release





  • get data to:
    • create own financing proposals with individual structure and design
    • keep own CRM system up to date
    • create individual notifications
  • set data to:
    • change advisor and editor to control the workload of employees
    • mark applications as ready-to-check
    • set your own case reference

Quick Start

To test our APIs and your use cases as quickly as possible, we have created a Postman Collection for you.


Please use Authentication to get access to the APIs. The OAuth2 client requires the following scopes:

ScopeAPI Use case
baufinanzierung:vorgang:lesento get case data
baufinanzierung:echtgeschaeftto use api in production mode
baufinanzierung:vorgang:schreibento update case data (eg role)

Get data

Get case data

As advisor I can read out the data of the case, to create an individual financial proposal for a convincing sales story.


  • authenticated as advisor, editor or sales organisation with access to the case


GET /v2/vorgaenge/CH6407 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.europace2.de
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}} 


  "_links": { ... },
  "vorgangsNummer": "CH6407",
  "erstelltAm": "2022-02-16",
  "letztesEreignis": "2022-02-22T08:31:01.37Z",
  "status": "AKTIV",
  "bankverbindung": { ... },
  "haushalte": [ ... ],
  "finanzierungsObjekt": { ... },
  "vorhaben": { ... },
  "datenKontext": "TEST_MODUS",
  "aufbewahrungBis": "2025-02-27",
  "kundenBetreuer": { ... },
  "antraege": [ ... ],
  "vorgangsBearbeiter": { ... }

For the full model see API-Specification

Get last changed cases

As advisor I will get a list of the last changed cases, to keep your CRM system up to date for a seamless, efficent and high quality sales process. The list of cases contains all cases where accessible for the caller and is descent ordered by lastchanged date and paged.


  • authenticated as advisor, editor or sales organisation with access to the cases


GET /v2/vorgaenge HTTP/1.1
Host: api.europace2.de
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}


    "vorgaenge": [
            "datenKontext": "ECHT_GESCHAEFT",
            "vorgangsNummer": "A74QK3",
            "letztesEreignis": "2020-12-30T09:53:16.165Z",
            "letzteAenderung": "2020-12-30T09:53:16.126Z",
            "_links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": "https://baufismart.api.europace.de/v2/vorgaenge/A74QK3"
            "datenKontext": "TEST_MODUS",
            "vorgangsNummer": "ED7PIS",
            "letztesEreignis": "2020-12-30T09:52:34.557Z",
            "letzteAenderung": "2020-12-30T09:53:15.331Z",
            "_links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": "https://baufismart.api.europace.de/v2/vorgaenge/ED7PIS"
            "datenKontext": "ECHT_GESCHAEFT",
            "vorgangsNummer": "JA624A"

Pls note: the list is paged.

You can filter the results by using the following parameters:

  • datenkontext (using test- or production-mode)
  • aenderungSeit (lastChangeUntil for getting all changes after the last call)
  • and many more - see documentation

Set data

Changes to some metadata on a case are possible using JSON Patch. The path represents the path in the JSON model separated with /. The default operation supported is replace. Patch operations are an array, so multiple patch commands can be sent with a PATCH request.

Set own reference


PATCH /v2/vorgaenge/CH6407 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.europace2.de
Content-Type: application/json-patch+json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}
Content-Length: 75



200 Okay

see example-response of get case data

Set state of case

As advisor you can set the state, to archive outdated cases and hide them for the advisors. example-request:

PATCH /v2/vorgaenge/CH6407 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.europace2.de
Content-Type: application/json-patch+json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}
Content-Length: 59



200 Okay

see example-response of get case data

Allowed values are AKTIV and ARCHIVIERT.

Set advisor

As sales organsisation you can set the advisor to control the workload of the colleagues.


PUT /v2/vorgaenge/CH6407/kundenBetreuer HTTP/1.1
Host: api.europace2.de
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 26

"partnerId": "AAV43"

A valid partnerId of our platform must be transferred in the partnerId field. Furthermore, the corresponding partner need also the authorization to access the case.


201 Created

Set editor

As advisor you can set the editor eg to a clerk, to check the case and application or to a teammate to enrich the data of the case.


PUT /v2/vorgaenge/CH6407/vorgangsBearbeiter HTTP/1.1
Host: api.europace2.de
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 26

    "partnerId": "MNC81"

A valid partnerId of our platform must be transferred in the partnerId field. Furthermore, the corresponding partner need also the authorization to access the case.


201 Created


The API is rate limited to 2000 requests per minute per Client ID. If you exceed this limit you will get a http 429.

Terms of use

The APIs are provided under the following Terms of Use.


If you have any questions or problems, you can contact devsupport@europace2.de.