
We have a lot of German words in our APIs, here we explain what they mean

German nameTranslationDescription
Angebotofferloan proposal, financial solution, not binding until approval
Antrag / Anträgeapplication(s)can contain more than one partial application (multi lender constellation)
Antragsnummerapplication-ide.g. HU1242/2/1, format {case-id}/{application}/{multi lender iterator}
Antragstellerapplicantthe applicant of a loan, an application can have 1 or 2 applicants
Baufinanzierungmortgage loanmoney you get to buy a property
Bausparkassebuilding societya specific type of loan provider
Bearbeitereditorthe person who currently edits a Vorgang
Benutzernameusernameuser-identifier, often a unique email
Beschäftigungprofessionthe profession of the applicant
Dokumentdocumenta file containing a bunch of pages
Echtgeschäftsvorgang / Echtgeschäftsvorgängereal business case(s)cases to use in production
Einstellungsrechtsetting righte.g. to manage teams
Finanzierungsvorschlagfinancial proposaldocument with a proposal for a financial solution
Finanzierungswunschfinancing parametercontains information about the desired loan amount, monthly payment etc. by the consumer
Finanzierungszweckpurpose of financingthe reason why the loan is needed, eg. for buying a car, modernising the house or something else
Fernabsatzgeschäftremote salessales where the agent and the applicant are not physically at the same location for the whole process
Freigabeshareaction to give another person access to a file or ressource
Freigabestatussharing statestate of document arrival
Handelsbeziehungtrade relationa relationship between agent and bank which is configured in the Europace Partnermanagement
Haushaltspositionhousehold itemall income and expenses of a household (private health insurance, property, rent, …)
Haushaltsrechnungbudget calculationall income and expenses of a household summed up together
Immobiliepropertybuidling, flat or piece of land you want to own
Kanalchannelthe name of the channel for which you provide the option self-service via api to your users or customers
Kreditbetragloan amountthe amount that is needed for the loan
Kreditsachbearbeiterloan officerrole, which is approving an application after validation
Kundecustomer, consumerperson who need money for there needs or mortgages
Kundenbetreueragent, advisorrole, wich is advising the customer for loans
Laufzeitdurationthe duration chosen for the loan
machbares Angebot / machbare Angebotefeasible offeran offer that was calculated as feasible, a firm answer can be only given after accepting it though
Partnerkennzeichenpartner-identifierloan provider identifiers for sales organisations
Personuseruser with role (partner-type)
Plakettetree-elementelement in partner-tree
Produktanbieterloan providere.g. bank, insurance, building society
Provisioncommissionpayment for arranged financing
Ratemonthly paymentthe amount the applicant will be paying for the loan
Ratenkreditconsumer loanmoney you borrow for your needs
Ratenschutzpayment protection insurancean insurance product that enables consumers to secure repayment of credit
Sachbearbeiterclerkrole, wich is supporting the advisor by adding data, validate the solution and/or find the best solution
Seitepageelement in a document
Schaufensterkonditionshowcase conditionsconditions based on a minimal set of data, not yet personalized for an applicant
Sofortkreditinstant loana consumer loan with a binding instant approval/rejection
Testvorgang / Testvorgängetest case(s)cases to use on test stages
Tilgungsplanrepayment planstructured overview of the repayments for the customer along the consumer loan runtime
Unterlagepaper, proofdocument to support the financial situation of the customer
Unterlagenkategoriecategorization informationdocument type we recognized
Unterlagenanforderungenneeded proofslist of needed proofs, different for every loan provider
Unterlagenzuordnungassignmentdocument-relation to customer, mortgage or other entities in the case
Übernahmerechtright to take overthe right to take over a Vorgang from another Kundenbetreuer / Bearbeiter
Vertriebskanalsales channelthe channel the loan is sold through, eg. B2B, B2B2C
Vertriebsorganisationsales organisationcompany who is offering loans
vollständiges Angebot / vollständige Angebotecomplete offeran offer that is valid as there is no data missing
Vorgang / Vorgängecase(s)container for consumer- and property-data, offers, applications and documents
Vorgangsnummercase-idreference to case
Zuganguser accessusername and/or identity provider data
Zugriffsrechtaccess righte.g. on the cases of teammates