Test environment at Europace
Europace provides a test environment that allows new users to try out the system. The test environment can be turned on in the Europace frontend using the “Testumgebung aktivieren” button. The test environment is a data area in the productive system that is separate from the productive data. It can be used to conduct training or test certain functions without the test data appearing in the production system.
How to use the test environment and which restrictions it has, you can find out here.
Test environment for APIs
The APIs also have a test environment that can be used to retrieve and modify the data from the user’s test environment.
For this the APIs use the field datenKontext
with the specifications TEST_MODUS
is used for the test environment and the ECHT_GESCHAEFT
for the productive environment.
Example Vorgaenge-API:GET https://api.europace2.de/v2/vorgaenge?datenKontext=TEST_MODUS
The resources Vorgänge and Anträge have an attribute that indicates whether they are test cases or productive cases.
Example Vorgaenge-API:... datenKontext: "TESTMODUS", ...
The permissions of users can be restricted to the test environment with the permission “Darf folgende Vorgänge bearbeiten: Echtgeschäft/Testvorgänge” to restrict them to the test environment. This is useful for technical implementation.
The test enviroment is not avaiable for partner-settings (partner api).
Note: Not all APIs are providing test enviroment. The availablity is documented on the specific API-Documentation.